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Are You A First Time Hockey Parent?

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This is an exciting time of year for those of us who consider ourselves 'seasoned hockey parents'. But for parents entering into their first year of hockey, it can cause a little stress as well.

Millwoods Hockey will attempt to make it a little easier by providing the Hockey 101 guide from Hockey Canada. You will need a PDF reader to view this document. If you don't have a PDF reader, please click HERE for a FREE download from Adobe.

Download HOCKEY 101

Please have a look at the HOCKEY 101 pamphlet and feel confident that when your child hits the ice, all of the other parents standing beside you are feeling the same nervous excitement. So cheer together and have FUN! Millwoods Hockey knows your player will be.


This is one of the questions ALL first time hockey parents wonder. To discover the answer, you have to ask this question... which hand do they use to write or colour?

It's all in the creativity

The top hand on your stick is the 'control' hand. It is the hand which makes all of the major movements and is THE hand that controls stickhandling, passing and where the puck goes when they shoot. It is the CREATIVE part of the stick so it needs to be controlled by the CREATIVE hand! Your child writes using the creative side of their brain which controls the opposite side of the body. The left part of the brain controls the right hand.

So if your player writes with their right hand, then their right hand should be at the top of the stick to control it. So this means your child would shoot LEFT!

Yes... Left. I know this sounds confusing but if you are going to buy your player a stick with a curve, then it should be a left-handed stick. But not too big of a curve! A curve too pronounced will inhibit your player from learning to stickhandle properly and make a good pass from the forehand or backhand.

To recap: if your child writes their name with their right hand then they shoot LEFT. If they use their left hand then they shoot RIGHT.

But when it comes right down to it, whichever way your child feels comfortable holding a stick is probably the correct way.


Our players' well-being is of utmost importance to all involved with hockey. Directors, referees, coaches, players and especially parents all want our children to have fun and stay healthy.

One aspect of all minor sports, not just hockey, to finally get the attention it deserves are the problems associated with blows to the head. Coaches are teaching our players how to check without hits to the head and referees are calling penalties for anything close to the helmet. Education is key to reducing the long term effects of head injuries.

The Four R’s
1. Respect for all players, especially yourself.
2. Read, download and print HOCKEY CANADA'S CONCUSSION CARD and bring it with you every game and practice.
3. Recognize the symptoms of concussion.
4. React to it.

Prevention for Players
1. Respect all players, coaches and officials.
2. Make sure your hockey helmet fits and is fastened properly.
3. Be aware - play heads-up hockey.
4. Wear a properly fitted mouth guard.
5. Always use correct bodychecking techniques and never hit another player from behind or in the head.

ALERT - Repeat concussions can severely affect one's lifestyle. It is a Hockey Canada Policy not to send a player back on the ice unless that player has fully recovered

Coach and Safety Person Protocol
1. Keep your concussion card handy.
2. During the pre-game talk, check and remind players of team attitude.
3. Discourage open-ice checks to the head.
4. In case of injury, check for symptoms of concussion/neck and spinal injuries.
5. Monitor the player for listed symptoms, if present remove the player from the game.
6. Permit the player to return to play only on advice of a physician.
7. Instruct parents/guardians to inform medical personnel if it is a repeat concussion.


Winter Hockey Registration - Now Open Register Online


SEERA U11 HADP/U13 Tier 1 Registration Information for 2024-25 Season


SEERA U11 HADP Coach Announcement


Millwoods Hockey - Annual General Meeting - May 2, 2024
